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ompi_snapshot_seq Namespace Reference


 trial = false
 description = OpenMPImaster
 platform = REPLACE_ME
 executor = sequential
 plugin = OMPI_Snapshot
 url =
 mpi_name = ompi-nightly-master
 parent = MiddlewareGet:OMPIMaster
 configure_options = --enable-debug
int make_options = -j1
 subdir = ibm
int merge_stdout_stderr = 1
int stderr_save_lines = 100
 middleware = MiddlewareBuild:OMPIMaster
 autogen_cmd = ./
 command = mpirun
int np = 2
int skipped = 77
int stdout_save_lines = 100
int timeout = 600
string test_dir = "collective, communicator, datatype, environment, group, info, io, onesided, pt2pt, random, topology"
int max_num_tests = 10
string fail_tests = "environment/abort, environment/final"
 fail_timeout = max_procs
string skip_tests = "environment/init_thread_multiple,communicator/comm_split_f"
 filename = mttresults.txt
 summary_footer =
 detail_header =
 detail_footer =
int textwrap = 78
 realm = OMPI
 username = REPLACE_ME
 password = REPLACE_ME

Variable Documentation

ompi_snapshot_seq.autogen_cmd = ./

Definition at line 82 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.command = mpirun

Definition at line 92 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.configure_options = --enable-debug

Definition at line 44 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.description = OpenMPImaster

Definition at line 18 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.detail_footer =

Definition at line 144 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.detail_header =

Definition at line 143 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.executor = sequential

Definition at line 20 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

string ompi_snapshot_seq.fail_tests = "environment/abort, environment/final"

Definition at line 121 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.fail_timeout = max_procs

Definition at line 122 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.filename = mttresults.txt

Definition at line 140 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int ompi_snapshot_seq.make_options = -j1

Definition at line 45 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int ompi_snapshot_seq.max_num_tests = 10

Definition at line 118 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int ompi_snapshot_seq.merge_stdout_stderr = 1

Definition at line 77 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.middleware = MiddlewareBuild:OMPIMaster

Definition at line 80 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.mpi_name = ompi-nightly-master

Definition at line 36 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int = 2

Definition at line 93 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.parent = MiddlewareGet:OMPIMaster

Definition at line 41 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.password = REPLACE_ME

Definition at line 153 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.platform = REPLACE_ME

Definition at line 19 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.plugin = OMPI_Snapshot

Definition at line 33 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.realm = OMPI

Definition at line 151 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.scratch = REPLACE_ME_PATH_TO_SCRATCH_DIR

Definition at line 17 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

string ompi_snapshot_seq.skip_tests = "environment/init_thread_multiple,communicator/comm_split_f"

Definition at line 129 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int ompi_snapshot_seq.skipped = 77

Definition at line 97 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int ompi_snapshot_seq.stderr_save_lines = 100

Definition at line 78 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int ompi_snapshot_seq.stdout_save_lines = 100

Definition at line 100 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.subdir = ibm

Definition at line 57 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.summary_footer =

Definition at line 142 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

string ompi_snapshot_seq.test_dir = "collective, communicator, datatype, environment, group, info, io, onesided, pt2pt, random, topology"

Definition at line 116 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int ompi_snapshot_seq.textwrap = 78

Definition at line 146 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

int ompi_snapshot_seq.timeout = 600

Definition at line 115 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.trial = false

Definition at line 16 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.url =

Definition at line 34 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.username = REPLACE_ME

Definition at line 152 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.

ompi_snapshot_seq.version_file = REPLACE_ME_NAME_OF_VERSION_FILE

Definition at line 35 of file ompi_snapshot_seq.ini.