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hwtest Namespace Reference


int trial_run = 0
 scratch = /home/common/mttscratch-rsh
int submit_group_results = 1
 logfile = /home/common/mtt-logfile-rsh.txt
 description = PrototypeHWtestconfigurationfile
 name = EthernetNIC
 module = tplink
int model = tg-3269
float version = 1.7
float update_file = /home/common/firmware/tplink/fw1.7.18
 image = centos7
 scm_module = Git
 scm_url = /home/common/ompi-tests
 scm_subdir = ibm
string pre_config_cmd = "./"
 test_get = trivial
int save_stdout_on_success = 1
int merge_stdout_stderr = 1
 target_install = MyInstallation
int stderr_save_lines = 100
string config_cmd = "./configure CC=mpicc CXX=mpic++ F77=mpif77"
string build_cmd = "make -j 10"
 mpi_install = MyInstallation
 intel_ompi_tests_buildfile = all_tests_no_perf
 test_build = Trivial
tuple timeout = max(10, np)
string find_test_dir = "."
string fail_tests = "environment/abort, environment/final"
 fail_timeout = max_procs
string skip_tests = "environment/init_thread_multiple,communicator/comm_split_f"
int np = 3
 include_section = Testrun
tuple pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
 specify_module = Simple
int skipped = 0
 mttdatabase_realm = OMPI
 mttdatabase_username = intel
tuple mttdatabase_password = &stringify(&cat("/home/common/mttpwd.txt"))
 mttdatabase_platform = bend-rsh
tuple mttdatabase_hostname = &env_hosts()
 mttdatabase_url =
 mttdatabase_debug_filename = mttdb_debug_file
int mttdatabase_keep_debug_files = 1
int mttdatabase_debug_server = 1
 textfile_filename = $phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt
 textfile_summary_footer =
 textfile_detail_header =
 textfile_detail_footer =
int textfile_textwrap = 78

Variable Documentation

string hwtest.build_cmd = "make -j 10"

Definition at line 135 of file hwtest.ini.

string hwtest.config_cmd = "./configure CC=mpicc CXX=mpic++ F77=mpif77"

Definition at line 134 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.description = PrototypeHWtestconfigurationfile

Definition at line 22 of file hwtest.ini.

string hwtest.fail_tests = "environment/abort, environment/final"

Definition at line 216 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.fail_timeout = max_procs

Definition at line 217 of file hwtest.ini.

string hwtest.find_test_dir = "."

Definition at line 204 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.image = centos7

Definition at line 59 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.include_section = Testrun

Definition at line 240 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.intel_ompi_tests_buildfile = all_tests_no_perf

Definition at line 150 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.logfile = /home/common/mtt-logfile-rsh.txt

Definition at line 21 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.merge_stdout_stderr = 1

Definition at line 115 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.model = tg-3269

Definition at line 41 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.module = tplink

Definition at line 40 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.mpi_install = MyInstallation

Definition at line 147 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.mttdatabase_debug_filename = mttdb_debug_file

Definition at line 353 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.mttdatabase_debug_server = 1

Definition at line 355 of file hwtest.ini.

tuple hwtest.mttdatabase_hostname = &env_hosts()

Definition at line 351 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.mttdatabase_keep_debug_files = 1

Definition at line 354 of file hwtest.ini.

tuple hwtest.mttdatabase_password = &stringify(&cat("/home/common/mttpwd.txt"))

Definition at line 349 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.mttdatabase_platform = bend-rsh

Definition at line 350 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.mttdatabase_realm = OMPI

Definition at line 347 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.mttdatabase_url =

Definition at line 352 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.mttdatabase_username = intel

Definition at line 348 of file hwtest.ini. = EthernetNIC

Definition at line 39 of file hwtest.ini.

tuple = 3

Definition at line 231 of file hwtest.ini.

tuple hwtest.pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))

Definition at line 244 of file hwtest.ini.

string hwtest.pre_config_cmd = "./"

Definition at line 95 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.save_stdout_on_success = 1

Definition at line 114 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.scm_module = Git

Definition at line 72 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.scm_subdir = ibm

Definition at line 74 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.scm_url = /home/common/ompi-tests

Definition at line 73 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.scratch = /home/common/mttscratch-rsh

Definition at line 19 of file hwtest.ini.

string hwtest.skip_tests = "environment/init_thread_multiple,communicator/comm_split_f"

Definition at line 224 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.skipped = 0

Definition at line 328 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.specify_module = Simple

Definition at line 247 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.stderr_save_lines = 100

Definition at line 128 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.submit_group_results = 1

Definition at line 20 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.target_install = MyInstallation

Definition at line 117 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.test_build = Trivial

Definition at line 202 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.test_get = trivial

Definition at line 113 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.textfile_detail_footer =

Definition at line 373 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.textfile_detail_header =

Definition at line 372 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.textfile_filename = $phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt

Definition at line 362 of file hwtest.ini.

hwtest.textfile_summary_footer =

Definition at line 371 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.textfile_textwrap = 78

Definition at line 375 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.timeout = max(10, np)

Definition at line 203 of file hwtest.ini.

int hwtest.trial_run = 0

Definition at line 18 of file hwtest.ini.

float hwtest.update_file = /home/common/firmware/tplink/fw1.7.18

Definition at line 43 of file hwtest.ini.

float hwtest.version = 1.7

Definition at line 42 of file hwtest.ini.