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[Ordering 600] Report tests results stage More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Reporter:

[Ordering 600] Report tests results stage


MTT Database reporter plugin for the legacy IU submission server

realmDatabase name
usernameUsername to be used for submitting data
passwordPassword for that username
pwfileFile where password can be found
platformName of the platform (cluster) upon which the tests were run
hostnameName of the hosts involved in the tests (may be regular expression)
urlURL of the database server
debug_filenameDebug output file for server interaction information
keep_debug_filesRetain reporter debug output after execution
debug_serverAsk the server to return its debug output as well
emailEmail to which errors are to be sent


Junit XML plugin

filenameName of the file into which the report is to be written
textwrapMax line length before wrapping


File reporter plugin

filenameName of the file into which the report is to be written
summary_footerFooter to be placed at bottom of summary
detail_headerHeader to be put at top of detail report
detail_footerFooter to be placed at bottome of detail report
textwrapMax line length before wrapping