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Tools for launching HPC jobs. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Launcher:

Tools for launching HPC jobs.


Plugin for using ALPS to launch tests

hostfileThe hostfile for OpenMPI to use
commandCommand for executing the application
npNumber of processes to run
optionsComma-delimited sets of command line options that shall be used on each test
skippedExit status of a test that declares it was skipped
merge_stdout_stderrMerge stdout and stderr into one output stream
stdout_save_linesNumber of lines of stdout to save
stderr_save_linesNumber of lines of stderr to save
test_dirNames of directories to be scanned for tests
fail_testsNames of tests that are expected to fail
fail_returncodesExpected returncodes of tests expected to fail
fail_timeoutMaximum execution time for tests expected to fail
skip_testsNames of tests to be skipped
max_num_testsMaximum number of tests to run
modulesModules to load
modules_unloadModules to unload
test_listList of tests to run, default is all
allocate_cmdCommand to use for allocating nodes from the resource manager
deallocate_cmdCommand to use for deallocating nodes from the resource manager


Plugin for using the Open MPI mpirun launch tool

hostfileThe hostfile for OpenMPI to use
commandCommand for executing the application
npNumber of processes to run
ppnNumber of processes per node to run
timeoutMaximum execution time - terminate a test if it exceeds this time
optionsComma-delimited sets of command line options that shall be used on each test
skippedExit status of a test that declares it was skipped
merge_stdout_stderrMerge stdout and stderr into one output stream
stdout_save_linesNumber of lines of stdout to save
stderr_save_linesNumber of lines of stderr to save
test_dirNames of directories to be scanned for tests
fail_testsNames of tests that are expected to fail
fail_returncodesExpected return codes of tests expected to fail
fail_timeoutMaximum execution time for tests expected to fail
skip_testsNames of tests to be skipped
max_num_testsMaximum number of tests to run
test_listList of tests to run, default is all
allocate_cmdCommand to use for allocating nodes from the resource manager
deallocate_cmdCommand to use for deallocating nodes from the resource manager


Plugin for using SLURM to launch tests

hostfileThe hostfile for OpenMPI to use
commandCommand for executing the application
npNumber of processes to run
timeoutMaximum execution time - terminate a test if it exceeds this time
optionsComma-delimited sets of command line options that shall be used on each test
skippedExit status of a test that declares it was skipped
merge_stdout_stderrMerge stdout and stderr into one output stream
stdout_save_linesNumber of lines of stdout to save
stderr_save_linesNumber of lines of stderr to save
test_dirNames of directories to be scanned for tests
fail_testsNames of tests that are expected to fail
fail_returncodesExpected returncodes of tests expected to fail
fail_timeoutMaximum execution time for tests expected to fail
skip_testsNames of tests to be skipped
max_num_testsMaximum number of tests to run
job_nameUser-defined name for job
modulesModules to load
modules_unloadModules to unload
test_listList of tests to run, default is all
allocate_cmdCommand to use for allocating nodes from the resource manager
deallocate_cmdCommand to use for deallocating nodes from the resource manager