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Build tools for test content. More...

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Build tools for test content.


Run typical autotools commands to configure and build a software package

middlewareMiddleware stage that these tests are to be built against
parentSection that precedes this one in the dependency tree
autogen_cmdCommand to be executed to setup the configure script, usually called or
configure_optionsOptions to be passed to configure. Note that the prefix will be automatically set and need not be provided here
make_optionsOptions to be passed to the make command
build_in_placeBuild tests in current location (no prefix or install)
merge_stdout_stderrMerge stdout and stderr into one output stream
stdout_save_linesNumber of lines of stdout to save
stderr_save_linesNumber of lines of stderr to save
modulesModules to load
modules_unloadModules to unload


Builds a hostfile based on a nodelist

parentSection that precedes this one in the dependency tree
nodelistlist of nodes to create hostfile from
hostfilename of hostfile to generate


Run shell commands to configure and build a software package

middlewareMiddleware stage that these tests are to be built against
commandCommand to execute
parentSection that precedes this one in the dependency tree
merge_stdout_stderrMerge stdout and stderr into one output stream
stdout_save_linesNumber of lines of stdout to save
stderr_save_linesNumber of lines of stderr to save
modulesModules to load
modules_unloadModules to unload
fail_testSpecifies whether this test is expected to fail (value=None means test is expected to succeed)
fail_returncodeSpecifies the expected failure returncode of this test
allocate_cmdCommand to use for allocating nodes from the resource manager
deallocate_cmdCommand to use for deallocating nodes from the resource manager
asis_targetSpecifies name of asis_target being built. This is used with "ASIS" keyword to determine whether to do anything.